Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Broadband Coding, Perceptual Coding, and Auditory Modeling
Time:Thursday, May 20, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Audio and Electroacoustics: Broadband and Perceptual Coding
Authors: Mads Christensen; Aalborg University 
 Søren Vang Andersen; Aalborg University 
 Søren Holdt Jensen; Aalborg University 
 Steven van de Par; Philips Research Laboratories 
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the importance of taking frequency-dependent temporal phenomena into account in audio coding. We do this in the context of sinusoidal modeling of audio signals by applying amplitude modulation to the sinusoidal components. Traditionally, audio coders use a fixed time-segmentation for all frequencies despite that it is well-known that the time-frequency resolution of the human auditory system is not constant. The well-known window switching is an example of this. We compare multiband amplitude modulated sinusoidal models to a singleband model using different audio excerpts. Based on both comparative listening tests and a psychoacoustical distortion measure it is concluded that an improvement is generally gained using multiband amplitude modulation, although specific single sources are well-modeled using a singleband model.

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