Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Filter Banks and Subband Coding
Time:Friday, May 21, 09:30 - 11:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing Theory and Methods: Multi-rate Signal Processing & Wavelets
Authors: Ralf Geiger; Fraunhofer IIS 
 Yoshikazu Yokotani; University of Texas, Arlington 
 Gerald Schuller; Fraunhofer IIS 
 Jürgen Herre; Fraunhofer IIS 
Abstract: Recently lifting-based integer transforms have received much attention,especially in the area of lossless audio and image coding.The usual approach is to apply the lifting scheme to each Givens rotation.Especially in the case of long transform sizes in audio coding applications,this leads to a considerable approximation error in the frequency domain.This paper presents a multi-dimensional lifting approach for reducing thisapproximation error. In this approach, large parts of the transform arecalculated without rounding operations, only the output is rounded and added.The new approach is applied and evaluated for both theInteger Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (IntMDCT)and the Integer Fast Fourier Transform (IntFFT).

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