Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Ultra Wideband Systems
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing for Communications: Ultra Wideband Systems
Authors: Xianren Wu; Michigan Technological University 
 Zhi Tian; Michigan Technological University 
 Timothy Davidson; McMaster University 
 Georgios B. Giannakis; University of Minnesota 
Abstract: Realizing the benefits of ultra-wideband (UWB) communications hinges critically on judicious pulse shapedesign to enable UWB spectral mask compatibility, and co-existence with and adaptation to other wireless devices.To this end, we propose a convex optimization based waveform design method for UWB radios. By casting the pulse design problem as a (convex) semidefinite program (SDP) over the pulse autocorrelation, globally optimal waveform designs can be efficiently obtained. While the focus of this paper is on the design of waveforms that optimally utilize the bandwidth andpower allowed by the spectral mask, the flexibility of the SDP framework also allows the optimization of several other system objectives.

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