Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing: Applications II
Time:Thursday, May 20, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing: Image and Video Analysis
Authors: Shilin Wang; City University of Hong Kong 
 Wing Hong Lau; City University of Hong Kong 
 Shu Hung Leung; City University of Hong Kong 
 Alan Wee-Chung Liew; City University of Hong Kong 
Abstract: Lip image analysis has attracted much interest in recent years because some important speech information is contained in the shape and movement of the lip. To extract such information from the lip images, accurate and robust lip region segmentation is of vital importance. However, most of the current lip segmentation methods fail to provide accurate results if the person has beards. In this paper, we propose a ?one object, multiple background? clustering method to solve the problem. Since the non-lip region becomes inhomogeneous in the presence of beards, multiple background clusters can produce better fitting to a rather complex background region than one single cluster. Spatial information in terms of the physical distance towards the lip center is incorporated to enhance the differentiation between the lip and background region. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm provides accurate lip segmentation results for the images with beards.

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