Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Speech and Audio Processing
Time:Wednesday, May 19, 15:30 - 17:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Machine Learning for Signal Processing: Speech and Audio Processing Applications
Authors: John Hershey; University of California, San Diego 
 Hagai Attias; Microsoft Research 
 Nebojša Jojic; Microsoft Research 
 Trausti Kristjansson; Microsoft Research 
Abstract: Perceiving sounds in a noisy environment is a challenging problem. Visual lip-reading can provide relevant information but is also challenging because lips are moving and a tracker must deal with a variety of conditions. Typically audio-visual systems have been assembled from individually engineered modules. We propose to fuse audio and video in a probabilistic generative model that implements cross-model self-supervised learning, enabling adaptation to audio-visual data. The video model features a Gaussian mixture model embedded in a linear subspace of a sprite which translates in he video. The system can learn to detect and enhance speech in noise given only a short sequence of audio-visual data. We show some results for speech enhancement, and discuss extensions to the model that are under investigation.

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