Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Video Coding
Time:Tuesday, May 18, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing: Image and Video Coding
Authors: Aniruddha Sinha; Motorola India Electronics Limited 
 Gaurav Agarwal; Motorola India Electronics Limited 
 Alwin Anbu; Motorola India Electronics Limited 
Abstract: We propose a fast video transcoding technique based onRegion-of-Interest (ROI) determination. The ROIs areidentified using the properties of the Human Visual System(HVS), applied in the compressed domain. We use the edge,motion and spatial frequency content of the video frame as theparameters in identifying perceptually important regions incompressed domain [9]. The TM5 rate-control of the videotranscoder is modified to assign relatively more bits to theROIs, thereby providing better quality to the areas that arelikely to attract the viewer’s attention. The ROI determinationin compressed domain has been modified to give more robustresults. Our algorithm achieves a speed-up of 15-20 times ascompared to similar algorithms in pixel domain while givingcomparable results. This computation is only around 8% of thetotal transcoder complexity.

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