Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Distributed Digital Signal Processing for Sensor Networking
Time:Thursday, May 20, 10:00 - 10:15
Presentation: Special Session Lecture
Topic: Special Sessions: Distributed Digital Signal Processing for Sensor Networking
Authors: Dmitry Budnikov; Intel Corporation 
 Igor Chikalov; Intel Corporation 
 Sergey Egorychev; Intel Corporation 
 Igor Kozintsev; Intel Corporation 
 Rainer Lienhart; Intel Corporation 
Abstract: We propose a novel synchronization scheme for distributedaudio-video input and output on heterogeneous general purposecomputing (GPCs) such as laptops, tablets, PDAs, smart phones,audio recorders, and camcorders. These devices typically possesssensors such as microphones and possibly cameras, and actuatorssuch as loudspeakers and displays. In order to combine themwirelessly into a distributed array signal processing system, itis necessary to provide relative time synchronization to sensorsand actuators. In this work we propose a setup and an algorithm tosynchronize input and output for a network of distributedmulti-channel audio sensors and actuators connected to GPCs. IEEE802.11 wireless network is used to deliver the global clock todistributed GPCs, while the interrupt mechanism is employed todistribute the clock between I/O devices. Experimental resultsdemonstrate a precision in A/D D/A synchronization precisionbetter than $50$ $\mu$s (a couple of samples at 48 kHz).

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