Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper:SP-P13.14 (ICASSP 2003 Paper)
Session:General Topics in Robust Speech Recognition
Time:Thursday, May 20, 13:00 - 15:00
Presentation: Poster (ICASSP 2003 Presentation)
Topic: Speech Processing: Large Vocabulary Recognition/Search
Authors: Renato De Mori; University of Avignon 
 Frédéric Béchet; University of Avignon 
 Gerard Subsol; University of Avignon 
 Dominique Massonie; University of Avignon 
Abstract: This paper deals with the difficult task of recognition of a large vocabulary of proper names in a directoryassistance application. Research on the European project SMADA has shown that there is a need of an elaborateand effective decision strategy that limits the risk of false automation. This paper proposes a new strategy whichintegrates, as well as a general decoder, a set of decoders specialized in some specific situations.Specialized recognition processes do not need to be applicable for every input, but they have to be scheduled andperformed only under certain conditions. A first implementation of such a model is proposed here, through a rejectionstrategy of the hypotheses output by a general decoder.This strategy leads to a very significant improvement over the results obtained by a standard rejection method basedon acoustic confidence scores only.

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