Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Human Machine Interface; Signal Processing for Media Integration and Application
Time:Friday, May 21, 09:30 - 11:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Multimedia Signal Processing: Multimedia Applications
Authors: Cormac Herley; Microsoft 
Abstract: Many media streams consist of distinct objects that repeat. For example broadcast television and radio signalscontain advertisements, call sign jingles, songs and even whole programs that repeat. The problem we address isto explicitly identify the underlying structure in repetitive streams and de-construct them into their componentobjects. Our architecture assumes no {\it a priori} knowledge of the streams, and does not require a pre-traineddatabase. Everything the system needs is learned on the fly. We demonstrate that using a modestly capable computerit is perfectly feasible to identify in realtime repeating objects that occur days or even weeks apart in audio or video streams. We outline the algorithms,enumerate several applications and present results from real streams.

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