Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Signal Enhancement and Reconstruction
Time:Thursday, May 20, 09:30 - 11:30
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Signal Processing Theory and Methods: System Modeling, Representation, & Identification
Authors: David Blanco; University of Edinburgh 
 Bernie Mulgrew; University of Edinburgh 
 Steve McLaughlin; University of Edinburgh 
Abstract: Independent component analysis (ICA) has shown successin the separation of sources in lots of applications. Almostall of them assume that a set of recorded signals is the resultof a linear mixture of independent sources. Although ICAmethods were firstly designed to apply only to free-noisesignals, numerous methods have extended it to deal withadditive noise, using only higher order statistic. However,in speckle environments signals the noise is multiplicative,so the applicability of ICA is seriously reduced. This paperproposes an ICA method for speckle signals, taking into accountthe multiplicative nature of the noise and improvingthe results obtained by standard ICA methods.

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